Why doesn’t the 20-minute refuelling credit apply to round-trip vehicles?

We offer a time credit on specific FLEX trips when members refuel the vehicle because a visit to the gas station could take up a significant portion of their short trip.

In general, members book Round-trip vehicles for longer trips than they do with FLEX vehicles.  Most reservations on Round-trip vehicles are more than an hour long, so it’s reasonable to expect members to fuel up as needed within the reserved period.

Even when using a FLEX vehicle, only trips of one hour or less qualify for a 20-minute credit. This credit serves both as an incentive and as compensation in the case of very short trips billed by the minute.

Whichever type of vehicle you use, regardless of the length of your trip, it’s everyone’s responsibility to ensure that the tank is at least a quarter full when you return.  Think of the next member!