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Business Accounts

  • How do I register my workplace for a business account?

    You can sign up your workplace to use Communauto by completing the registration form on the Business page for your location. Each workplace can choose their account administrator(s) and can add an unlimited number of authorized drivers to the account.

    For organizations with multiple departments, it’s possible to separate your drivers into different accounts or billing units (a separate monthly invoice will be produced for each account). This makes it easier to allocate costs to certain projects, clients, or departments, while remaining in control of your budget.

  • How does billing work for business accounts?

    The account administrator(s) will receive a monthly billing statement by email. If you pay by credit card, the amount due is charged automatically. If you pay by cheque, please make sure to respect the payment deadlines. In France, the amounts are debited directly from the company’s account (a direct debit form must be completed).

    If you have created multiple accounts for your workplace, a separate monthly billing statement is emailed for each. In the billing statement, trips are grouped by driver and presented in chronological order. For round-trip vehicles available by reservation, you can also add a note to each trip.

  • How do I add a driver to a business account?

    To add drivers to an existing business account, please visit the Business page of your location’s website and follow the instructions in the Authorized Drivers section. Make sure to upload all requested documents, including front and back copies of each applicant’s driver’s license.

Updated on January 15, 2024
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