• Where can I go with a round-trip vehicle?

    You can go anywhere in Canada or in the United States with a round-trip Communauto vehicle. However, at the end of your trip, you must always release the car back at the station or station zone where you started your trip.

  • How do I change my payment method?

    In the app: Select Account at the bottom of the screen. Under the Profile section, select Payment Method. Select Edit credit card to update your payment method. On the website: Click the Login button on the Communauto website of your branch. Under the Profile section, select Payment Method. Select Edit…

  • How do I add a driver to a business account?

    To add drivers to an existing business account, please visit the Business page of your location’s website and follow the instructions in the Authorized Drivers section. Make sure to upload all requested documents, including front and back copies of each applicant’s driver’s license.

  • How does billing work for business accounts?

    The account administrator(s) will receive a monthly billing statement by email. If you pay by credit card, the amount due is charged automatically. If you pay by cheque, please make sure to respect the payment deadlines. In France, the amounts are debited directly from the company’s account (a direct debit…

  • How do I register my workplace for a business account?

    You can sign up your workplace to use Communauto by completing the registration form on the Business page for your location. Each workplace can choose their account administrator(s) and can add an unlimited number of authorized drivers to the account. For organizations with multiple departments, it’s possible to separate your…

  • How does billing work with a family membership?

    The person registered as the primary account holder (the “responsible member” as defined in the Membership Contract), is responsible for the account and for payments. Only the primary account holder receives a monthly billing statement by email and is able to initiate payments. However, co-members can access this information through…

  • How do I add a driver to my account?

    Members on our Value plans can add co-members to their accounts by creating a family membership. This option allows you to maximize your savings. Anyone living within the same household, and who meets our eligibility criteria, can join a family plan. If a member of your family wants to join…

  • What is a refundable membership bond?

    This is an amount paid for access to certain membership plans, such as the Value Plan. In France, this amount is treated as a security deposit. The refundable membership bond is non-taxable and is fully refunded if the member opts for a membership plan that doesn’t require a membership bond,…

  • How are the costs of my trips calculated?

    The cost of a trip depends on: the duration and distance traveled whether you are using a Round-trip or FLEX vehicle the vehicle category (an additional cost applies for family and utility vehicles) your membership plan  Check out the Rates page of your location to find out the details of…

  • What is an RFID key fob? 

    RFID key fobs – short for “radio frequency identification” – (see photo) are an accessory that was distributed to all Canadian members of Communauto for many years before it became possible to access vehicles with the Communauto mobile app.  Today, these keys are mainly used to access vehicles that are…

  • What is the credit limit on my account, and how does it work?

    Your credit limit is the maximum amount you can reach before you are required to make a full or partial payment to make new reservations or access a FLEX vehicle. This limit takes into account both the completed trips that haven’t been paid (even if they haven’t been billed yet),…

  • How do I make a one-time payment?

    Typically, your account is charged automatically using the payment card on file. If your account is blocked because the balance is overdue or exceeds your credit limit, it is also possible for you to initiate a payment yourself. To do so: 1. Log into your account in the app or…

  • How do I use the gas card provided in the car?

    All Communauto vehicles are equipped with a gas card so members can ensure there is at least a quarter tank of gas before ending their trip. The cards should work at the majority of gas stations in Canada. In France, they will only work at Total, Elan, or Elf.  If…

  • Ai-je le droit de transporter un animal de compagnie dans les véhicules?

    Oui, c’est permis de le faire, mais dans le respect des autres usagers. L’utilisation d’une cage dédiée ou d’une couverture pour protéger les banquettes est fortement recommandée afin d’éviter de laisser des poils d’animaux derrière. Les dégâts causés par un animal peuvent entraîner une pénalité (voir « Responsabilité de l’Abonné…

  • Que dois-je faire si je trouve le véhicule sale?

    Tout problème de propreté peut nous être facilement rapporté (accompagné de photos, au besoin) via l’outil de signalement disponible dans l’application Communauto ou à partir du lien Signalement (dommage, propreté) accessible au bas de la plupart des pages de notre site Internet. Si vous avez réglé le problème, en tout…

  • Can I take my pet in the vehicles?

    Yes, this is permitted as long as it is done with respect for other members. We strongly recommend using a dedicated carrier and/or a blanket to ensure that no animal hair is left behind. Damage or mess caused by an animal may be subject to a penalty (see the “Member’s…